Exploring Your Treatment Options
A group of physicians, chiropractors, and acupuncturists all under one roof are dedicated to helping their patients lead physically active and dynamic lives, free from functional restriction and pain. Whether patients are top performing athletes or individuals seeking a more active, pain-free lifestyle, these wellness providers come to your aid with considerable knowledge and experience in a wide range of methodologies.
Every person who walks through a wellness provider’s doors brings with them unique ailments, complaints, conditions, and personalities. The concerns and goals that patients bring with them to their healthcare provider should be given substantial consideration. When these concerns are heard and addressed, it supports and contributes to a strong patient-provider relationship.
What to Expect from a Visit
A wellness provider should listen to your personal history with attention and objectivity, and perform the necessary exams and diagnostic tests needed to provide an accurate diagnosis of your condition. Thus, the most appropriate and effective treatment program for you can be created.
Wellness professionals have achieved tremendous success for patients with many health concerns, such as:
- Spinal
- Musculoskeletal
- Orthopedic
- Neurological
- Respiratory
- Gastrointestinal
- Genitourinary
- Dermatological
A wellness professional will ask many questions to get an accurate picture of the problem or concern. Questions may include:
- Previous illnesses, diseases, or conditions,
- Operations and surgical procedures
- Medications and dietary supplements taken
- Personal and professional stress levels
- Working conditions
- Family history
- And many more general health and lifestyle questions
The aim is to get a comprehensive and thorough picture of the patient from a whole-person perspective, as many different factors contribute to health and well-being, or the lack of it.
Examination and evaluation
Depending on the health concern, tests may be required to make a better determination and diagnosis. A patient’s joint and muscle functions may be assessed with neurological and orthopedic tests. Or, x-ray diagnosis, MRI scans, bone scans, ultrasound imaging, or Electronic Meridian Imaging (EMI) may be used. The latter helps to determine if the condition is musculoskeletal, biomechanical, bone-related, nerve-related, or is a result of energy imbalances.
Diagnosis and treatment
Wellness providers are prepared to help you achieve better health and regain your active lifestyle by addressing issues such as these:
- Headaches and migraines
- Sciatica
- Disc herniations
- Whiplash
- Neck back, and shoulder pain
- Knee and ankle pain
- TMJ disorders
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Frozen shoulder
- Tennis elbow
Once the cause of the illness is identified, the practitioner will determine the most appropriate, effective, and comprehensive treatment protocol for you. This may consist of a combination of:
- Chiropractic spinal manipulation
- Spinal decompression
- Myofascial release
- Acupuncture
- Phototherapy
- Rehabilitative exercises and therapies
- Nutritional and dietary recommendations
- Supplement protocols
Many of these treatments provide significant relief and improvement without the need for potentially harmful medications or invasive surgical procedures. While many conventional medicine protocols only address symptoms, providers with a holistic perspective work to find the underlying cause and correct it. The goal is to get you back to where you want to be as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Thus, a patient can be restored to a state of vibrant health and well-being.